Fatal Encounter: Emergence of Talents is live on IndieGogo!
An Action/Drama Independent Film.
It would be great to see self-produced films like this getting the funding they need. There are a lots of perks available to those who back the project. The action follows the long line of martial arts movies but what is the story?
From the crowd funding campaign it says, "Fatal Encounter: Emergence of Talents takes place in the year 2021. A group known as the 'Sacrifice for a Greater Cause' is looking at taking human evolution to a whole new level; but not without sacrifice. Their goal is to wipe out part of humanity and force upon evolution. Will our heroes be enough to stop them?
It is a classic Good Vs Evil story (depending on your perspective of the events) with a lot riding on all the characters from both sides. This film is the long awaited sequel in a trilogy of films many have been waiting for."
Learn more about the cast, crew and crowdfunding: